Is Rolfing Covered By Insurance

Is Rolfing Covered By Insurance

Is Rolfing covered by insurance? Most insurance companies do not cover Rolf Structural Integration, although there are exceptions. However, Rolfing can usually be covered by a health savings account (HSA). Consult with your advisors about your specific situation.

What exactly is Rolfing Insurance?

Rolfing is a treatment method developed by the Rolf Institute for Structural Integration (also called “RISI”). It is a method of alleged manipulation of the fasciae using specific techniques believed to have beneficial effects on patients. As a profession, Rolfing is reasonably safe, but it is important to protect yourself and the company. Today, people are increasingly willing to take legal action for damages, and lawsuits against therapy professionals are on the rise. The unpredictable can happen and the cost of our liability insurance is only a small part of the cost of a case.

Is Rolfing covered by insurance?

Most insurers do not cover Rolf Structural Integration, although there are some exceptions. In reality, Rolfing can usually be covered by the Health Savings Account (HSA). Consult your advisor to determine your specific situation.

Is Rolfing covered by insurance? Rolfing is a form of bodywork that is applied to the body. It involves stretching and massaging connective tissues and muscles. Rolfing has been practiced for a long time and is often used by professional athletes and celebrities. In this blog, we look at whether Rolfing can be insured.

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Rolfing is usually not covered by insurance companies, as it is considered an alternative or complementary treatment. However, certain insurance plans will cover part or all of Rolfing’s costs where it is determined to be medically necessary.

Most insurers do not provide cover for Rolf Structural Integration. However, a large percentage of patients can be reimbursed for Rolfing treatments through their health savings accounts (HSAs) or flexible spending accounts (FSAs).

Many employers now offer these HSA/FSA “vouchers” in connection with their health plans. They are great ways to cover your medical costs while saving money.

Will it last and how much will it cost you?


The photos show that adjustments to the original Rolfing(r) series are still visible even years after the series has been completed.

Research conducted by The Rolf Institute in Boulder, Colorado has shown that even after the age of ten, the effects of this “10 series” program of Rolfing(r) sessions are still there! Since the basic focus of the program is on the patterns you have developed since childhood, as well as past injuries you have suffered, it is unlikely that you will repeat this experience over and over. Instead, when bodies change and individuals may experience injuries or accidents, as well as stressful times, extra work can be helpful.


Prices for advanced Rolfing(r) sessions vary based on what the Rolfer(TM) has to offer and the local economy. Most Rolfers charge per session and costs range from $100 to $300 per hour. My advanced Rolfing(r) sessions are completed in 90-120 minutes.

I do not intend to acquire a large number of clients to “make as much money as possible”. Instead, my primary goal is to provide quality service and quality time with every person I interact with and every session I offer them.

How can I take out insurance to cover Rolfing’s costs?

A NEW YORK Times article offers some ideas on how to convince insurance companies to cover Rolfing go through it

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When I ran my clinic, I hired doctors to help me oversee holistic treatments and Rolfing in my clinic. I have found that they work most effectively. After you receive the treatments at a doctor’s clinic and have a doctor write a schedule for Rolfing, you have the power to convince the insurance company.

Is Rolfing covered by insurance? Frequently Asked Questions

Do doctors recommend Rolf Structural Integration?

Often the answer to the question depends on where you live. Most medical schools don’t spend a lot of time studying holistic medical practices, often referred to as alternative medicine. This is why most clinicians will learn more about Rolf Structural Integration from a practitioner or client who has benefited from the method. Doctors appreciate the fact that the Rolf method is effective but unaffected by the side effects that many people experience with prescription medications.

Does Rolfing 10-Series hurt?

I often get this question. But since I started my practice in 1991, no one has stopped coming because of pain. Our normal life experiences are pain that invades the body. This is a very different experience from the pain leaving the body, which happens during the sessions. Unfortunately, we do not have an adequate vocabulary to describe this. Many people prefer to say ‘moments of discomfort.

How does the Rolf method differ from chiropractic adjustments, massage, physical therapy, Pilates, acupuncture, etc.?

None of these professions have integration with gravity as the sole focus of the work. Rolf Structural Integration transforms one’s experience of gravity from a destructive force that pulls down to a rejuvenating force that lifts. Experiencing the Rolfing 10 Series can often help practitioners of these other modalities get better services for their clients.

Is Rolfing Last?

The short answer is yes, but the long answer is even better. Rolf Structural Integration is ‘progressive’, meaning positive changes continue after the practical work has stopped. For example, lung capacity continues to increase and range of motion continues to improve over the next 12 months as the body experiences a new alignment in the gravitational field.

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How long do Rolfing sessions last? How often are Rolfing sessions scheduled?

Rolfing sessions last about 60 to 90 minutes and are usually done once a week for ten weeks.

Is Rolfing better than a massage?

Rolfing and massage: Rolfing and massage are fundamentally different in one important way: Rolfing changes the structure of the body to provide lasting comfort and relief, while massage is ideal for short-term relaxation or pain relief.

Is Rolfing Legitimate?

Sometimes the procedure hurts. Rolfing’s safety has not been verified. There is no strong evidence that Rolfing helps treat health problems, and the ideas underlying it are contrary to generally accepted medical wisdom. It has been labeled quackery and accepted as pseudoscience.

How often should Rolfing be done?

A month of weekly sessions is a good rule of thumb for any year of discomfort. For the greatest effect, according to Dr. Rolf’s series of 10 sessions to be completed within five months.

Can Rolfing cause damage?

Rolfing is virtually risk-free and there are no negative side effects. According to Stolzoff, “I’m constantly reminding my clients that it’s an experiment.” “If it works, fine. But even if it isn’t, nothing is lost.

Can Rolfing Help Sciatica?

Effective sciatica therapy can be achieved by prioritizing the soft tissues that hold everything together. This is exactly what the Rolfing method aims to achieve. For sciatica, Rolfing focuses on retraining the fascia, the substance that holds the human body together.

How painful is Rolfing?

Is there pain? Yes, there are times when Rolfing can be uncomfortable or even painful (although untreated injuries can be too…) Rolfing is very practical, just like sports massage, but unlike conventional massage, it only uses pressure from the skin against the muscles and connective tissue and without oils

Does Rolfing Help You Lose Weight?

Rolfing can make you look slimmer and provide the ideal environment for your body to lose weight naturally. But more important than all of these things, Rolfing can improve your body image. Rolfing’s benefits may be superficial, but they also go deeper than the surface.

Does Rolfing help with cellulite?

Tight fascia in the legs are released during Rolfing sessions, as well as the stress patterns that caused it. The use of the legs is a pattern of tension. The imbalance puts extra pressure on the soft tissues on the outside of the leg, which over time leads to the development of scar tissue and cellulite.

Conclusion: Is Rolfing Covered By Insurance?

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