Do I Need Travel Insurance For Iceland

Do I Need Travel Insurance For Iceland

Do I Need Travel Insurance For Iceland? As Iceland has become one of the hottest cold weather destinations, more travelers than ever are wondering if they need travel insurance for their visit. While travel insurance is not required, it is highly recommended.

Iceland is known as the “Land of Fire and Ice”, and for good reason. Iceland experiences extreme weather events, including volcanic eruptions. In 2010, the eruption of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano led to more than 100,000 flight cancellations and a six-day travel ban across Europe.

Comprehensive travel insurance plans are a great option that can protect against flight delays and travel cancellations that often occur during inclement weather. Comprehensive plans often also provide additional benefits, such as coverage for lost luggage or emergency medical evacuation.

Another common reason people purchase travel insurance is to supplement domestic health insurance while abroad. Many health insurers do not cover travelers outside their home country, and accidents abroad can lead to high medical bills. Unpaid medical expenses have led countries such as Japan and Thailand to consider mandatory travel insurance for all foreign visitors. Medical travel plans can help travelers fill the gaps in their national health insurance coverage when visiting Iceland.

Do I Need Travel Insurance For Iceland?

Yes, although it is not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you purchase travel insurance for your trip to Iceland.

While you may have access to certain state health services, an EHIC card will not cover your return home in an emergency. You also need coverage for lost luggage, cancellations, and even theft. Iceland does not have a high crime rate, but petty crime and robberies can happen anywhere, especially in urban areas.

Also, things have changed after Brexit and the UK officially left the EU with a deal. You can no longer apply for an EHIC, but if you already have one before the end of 2020, it will remain valid until the expiry date.

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However, the UK government has introduced a replacement, the Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC). If you don’t have an EHIC, or if yours expires, you can apply for a GHIC here, which should arrive within 10 days. The GHIC offers the same coverage as the EHIC in EU countries.

Iceland experiences extreme weather and much of the country is remote. It’s easy to change your plans due to storms or other disruptions. Travel insurance is there to give you peace of mind that you can claim unexpected expenses.

Why do I need travel insurance for Iceland?

Travel insurance for Iceland is not required by law but should be considered essential for your trip. Most trips to Iceland are hassle-free, but it’s important to be prepared in case the worst happens. If you have a serious accident, call 112 and the emergency services will help you. You may have to pay for your care at the healthcare institution you are going to, then your insurance will reimburse the costs.

Iceland is volcanically and seismically active and subject to a changing and turbulent climate. It is worth checking the situation before your visit so that you can better prepare for your time there and be aware of any changes to your travel and plans. Visit the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office website for the latest travel advice and the Icelandic Meteorological Office website for forecasts to help you prepare and stay safe on your travels.

What does travel insurance in Iceland cover?

Depending on the level of coverage you choose, you are protected against:

  • Cancel or shorten your trip
  • Emergency and associated medical costs
  • Loss of passport*
  • Delayed personal belongings
  • Lost, stolen, or damaged personal belongings*
  • Loss of personal money*
  • personal accident coverage
  • Missed departures
  • delayed departure
  • Personal responsibility
  • Legal Expenses
  • Final provider error**

Does travel insurance cover disruption due to volcanic ash?

After the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull caused 100,000 flight cancellations, we all know how volcanic ash can affect your travel plans. While it’s unusual for an ash cloud to affect much of Europe, ash is a common problem in Iceland: the country has 35 active volcanoes.

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So are you covered if your Iceland vacation is interrupted by ash? Not always, it depends on your health care provider. If you’re going to Iceland, always check your policy details to see if volcanic ash is covered before you buy. You may be able to add the cover to your policy for an additional premium.

Is Travel Insurance Mandatory For Iceland?

Taking out travel insurance for your trip to Iceland is not required by law. However, travel insurance can help protect you from many unforeseen events.

Since leaving the EU in January 2021, UK residents will no longer have access to healthcare provided by the Icelandic state, through the EHIC scheme. This is also the case with the EHIC replacement, the Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC), both of which are only valid within EU countries.

This makes it even more important to get good travel insurance for your trip.

Travel Insurance Recommendations for Travel to Iceland

While travel insurance is not required to enter Iceland, it is highly recommended.

Since your trip to Iceland is something you look forward to and look forward to, it is smart to get travel insurance for unexpected and costly situations.

Look for a comprehensive travel insurance plan that includes:

  • Travel cancellation, delay, and interruption benefits
  • Medical expenses and medical evacuation benefits
  • Luggage cover

Travel Cancellation Coverage for Iceland

A trip to Iceland is expensive and may include expensive flights, hotel stays, dinners, and tours. Many of these fees are non-refundable and prepaid. Once you start making travel deposits, you need to get travel insurance so that your travel cancellation insurance will cover that money right away.

Even if you are generally in good health, setbacks, including illness, can occur. For example, if your husband develops heart problems and is unable to go, it would be a covered reason to cancel the trip. Travel insurance reimburses 100% of the prepaid and non-refundable costs. For example, if your plane ticket is refundable, you can’t claim it under the travel insurance, but will instead be reimbursed by the airline.

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Not all reasons to cancel your trip are covered. For example, if you’re checking the weather forecast and the app shows rain five out of seven days of your trip, this isn’t a covered reason.

If weather or seasonality influences your decision-making and you want the most flexibility to cancel, consider purchasing a “cancel for any reason” (CFAR) upgrade, which allows you to cancel your trip for any reason can cancel up to 48 hours before you are scheduled to go. This upgrade costs about 40% more than a typical policy and typically offers 50% to 75% reimbursement of travel expenses.

Dealing With Delays

If a travel delay causes you to miss part of your trip for a covered reason and you lose money because of the travel delay, your travel insurance will reimburse you. Reasons covered include severe weather, a transportation strike, missing your connecting flight, and airline maintenance issues.

For example, if your flight to Reykjavik is canceled due to heavy fog and thunder, and you miss a prepaid tour that is non-refundable, you can file a claim to recover the cost.

Interrupted Vacation

When you visit Iceland, you may not expect to have to go home early, but emergencies can arise, so it’s always a good idea to have a plan.

Travel interruption coverage can help if you need to cut your trip short and return home. For example, if you are traveling with your sister and she learns that one of her children is in the hospital, that is a covered reason to interrupt your trip.

Interruption payments cover the cost of a last-minute flight home, plus reimburse you for unused, prepaid expenses such as missed hotels and tours.

How much does travel insurance for Iceland cost?

The cost of travel protection for holidays in Iceland depends on the type of subscription and the coverage the traveler needs. The cost of the plan varies based on several factors, such as the number of travelers in your group, their ages, the length of the trip, and the type of coverage needed.

The general rule of thumb is that the richer the benefit plan, the more expensive the coverage. For example, some travelers choose to insure the full cost of the trip, while others only require a reduced medical travel plan.

Conclusion – Do I Need Travel Insurance For Iceland

While travel insurance is not required to enter Iceland, it is highly recommended. Since your trip to Iceland is something you look forward to and look forward to, it is smart to get travel insurance for unexpected and costly situations.

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